Patrícia Almeida, David-Alexandre Guéniot & al. – Complexidade, no limite do (im)possível / Complexity, at the limit of the (im)possible


Patrícia Almeida, David-Alexandre Guéniot & al. – Complexidade, no limite do (im)possível / Complexity, at the limit of the (im)possible
Pub. by Ghost

Design: Letra – Marco Balesteros
Pages: 130
Size: 16 cm x 24 cm
Printing process: traditional offset
Language: English
January 2015
Print run: 200 copies
João Branquinho, Helder Coelho, Luís Antunes, Artur Almeida, Manuel João Ramos, Jorge Louçã, F. Pedro Oliveira, Pedro Boleo, João Fiadeiro / Atelier Real, Luís Correia, Francisco Louçã, Rosa Perez, Luís Sottomayor, Pedro Lemos, Mário Laginha, David-Alexandre Guéniot / Patrícia Almeida.

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COMPLEXITY is collaborative book project between Jorge Louçã and Luís Antunes, from the Institute for Complexity Sciences, and David-Alexandre Guéniot and Patrícia Almeida from Ghost Editions. It started as a workshop under the name ‘At the Limit of the (Im)possible’ which gathered a group of people to debate on the practice of creativity in different domains of human activity (arts, sciences and culture). The workshop was organized at Convento da Arrábida (Azeitão, Portugal) in June 2014. After the event this publication was edited by David-Alexandre Guéniot and Patrícia Almeida as an extension of what had been talked during the workshop.

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